
The d2m network

Reliable and experienced partners in related service areas are essential for our work. Over the past decades we have built up a comprehensive network with which we work together on a daily basis, according to the requirements of the individual client and project.

The expert for data cleaning and data update. SAZ Services AG provides various products for intelligent address cleaning of consumer databases in Germany.

Their smartADDRESS® data pool contains over 13 million movers in private households and 1 million business relocations. The deceased file lists 3.3 million addresses. The additional suppression file comprises of more than 10 million records identified as non-deliverable or unusable (Nixies).


smartAUDIT | the diagnostic tool analyses your database on correctness and informs on possibilities of optimisation.


smartCONFIRM | checks the reliability and deliverability of your addresses by deduplication against the SAZ ho husehold database and searches further vital signs for positive confirmation of the matched address.


smartUPDATE | updates your own database. Identifies incorrect addresses of customers due to relocation and replaces them with the new, correct address.


smartCORRECT | mailing correction replacing old addresses of movers with the new address for one-time use.


smartDECEASED | deceased file identifies and flags deceased persons either in your own database or in rented files by matching against the SAZ deceased file.


smartCLEAN Premium | eliminates or flags all addresses identified as undeliverable from rented files or the own databases.


smartDETECT | nationwide individual address research for lost customers or debtors at 5,900 local residents’ registration offices in 14,000 German cities. Including Deliverability.


Due to our sales partnership with SAZ you can contact us directly. Comparable services can be provided for your international files – subject to availability in other countries.